Satmar’s Sisters of Mercy
Read moreThe Satmar chasidim are the Boo Radleys of our town. Like that character in “To Kill A Mockingbird,” they...
44The Truth About Jewish Bloggers
Read moreThere’s a trend that is gaining momentum of disenchanted Jewish bloggers sharing their bitterness all over the internet. Now...
Jewish Americans Win Alms Race – New research finds Jews are more likely to give to charity.
Read moreSeptember 9, 2010 • By Tom Jacobs Giving money to the poor is a doctrine of pretty much every...
Doing the right thing… the Torah way.
Read moreImagine losing your wallet at a large public event. What do you estimate the chances of ever seeing that...
For the Love of People
Read moreMythological tales are told of saintly Jews abounding in humility, knowledge and wisdom, wondrous people just as close to...